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Don't waste your time and money with other gutter filters! This stainless steel micro-mesh screen does everything you are looking for. It keeps out everything, including small needles and even asphalt shingle grit. The leaf guard rounded type gutter filter not only doesn't keep out small leaves and needles, it makes it harder to clean them out once they are in there. The foam type (which I tried first, starts degrading and crumbling after about a year. Plus, squirrels pull it out looking for seeds and small nuts.

Peter Green (2014-06-23)


Don't waste your time and money with other gutter filters! This stainless steel micro-mesh screen does everything you are looking for. It keeps out everything, including small needles and even asphalt shingle grit. The leaf guard rounded type gutter filter not only doesn't keep out small leaves and needles, it makes it harder to clean them out once they are in there. The foam type (which I tried first, starts degrading and crumbling after about a year. Plus, squirrels pull it out looking for seeds and small nuts.

Peter Green (2014-06-23)
